Thursday, 21 June 2012

#100happy today - When the Olympic torch came to Town

My boss agreed to let us all leave early to watch the Olympic torch go past, hurrah! 
(He is a good boss, he makes everyone at work a cup of tea every morning without fail. Good lad.)

It was quite busy!

There was such a lovely atmosphere

The lady in the bottom right corner was brilliant, she was dancing and waving her flag...


Hyperactive Green Superheroes

We waited a long while for the torch and I managed to get a quick snap of it running past!

Shame I didn't bring my "proper" camera but glad I got these taken on my phone :)

Find out where the torch is off to next HERE

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

#100Happy today - Today's Happies!

What's one of the little things that made you happy today?

Zoe: Booking my fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiights! =D

Katie: Doing silly walking

Chiara: Getting to swim in a 32 degree heated outdoor pool

Deb: The prospect of tapas!

Chris: The above lady!

Mark: Brilliant answer! ---^ 
My Rosie, as per usual, and the fact that my wisdom tooth isn't aching as much :D

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

#100happy today - Yawning is good for you!

Is there anything more satisfying than doing a big old yawn with a massive stretch?

I think not.

Now, someone has Done A Science to show that yawning is good for you (we've been saying it for years!):

Yawning supposedly makes us more self-aware, regulates our consciousness and helps you stay focused, according to Andrew Newburg's essay (which you can read [here]).

Meanwhile, here: have some pictures of cute animals yawning...

All of the above images are from [here] and you can see yet more cute animals yawning there!